
lesson-3_Deploy and verify

Deploy and verify

✅ Deploy!

Now we can deploy to our testnet of choice... in this example we will deploy to sepolia.

yarn deploy --network sepolia

If all is well you should see the following success output.

deploying "YourContract" (tx: 0xf404021d736271a7a0a84d124ed35250c533efe37c1775367b6510a8836bf0bd)...: deployed at 0x541D469C06990B7F0bd5103b57997cE8a39C050c with 605281 gas
📝 Updated TypeScript contract definition file on ../nextjs/generated/deployedContracts.ts

✅ Verification

yarn verify --network sepolia

You should see the following successful output...

verifying YourContract (0x541D469C06990B7F0bd5103b57997cE8a39C050c) ...
waiting for result...
=> contract YourContract is now verified

You can also check your contract was successfully on etherscan. Here is the one I deployed and verified.